We Canadians, live in the proverbial land of milk and honey. Yes we have our own issues, problems and concerns. Yes we have pollution, poverty, debt and sub-par public transportation.
However, when we really put things into perspective, it’s easy to be grateful.
I (Joanna) read an article a couple weeks back in the National Geographics which lit a fire under my seat. According to this article, 46% of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water. Let me say this again…46% of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water. Let that sink in for a moment. That’s almost half of the people on this planet. My initial thought was…how could this happen? How can other people, let this happen?
As I read on, it was clear how this happened. Greed, depletion of natural resources, and all of the usual suspects. However, this post is not about these reasons (though yes, we should discuss these reasons, another time.) This post is about how the yoga community, in Toronto, in Canada, in the world, can truly “do” yoga.
An asana practice is designed to strengthen your body, calm your mind and improve your overall health. For those who practice regularly, you know what I’m talking about.
But what happens, in time is the development of a heightened sense of sensitivity and decernment.
You know when you’re in class and the teacher asks you to: go inside, be aware, slow down. All of those other things that are often times difficult for us to do because we get caught up. Caught up in our own stories, dramas and worries. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trivializing anyone’s personal situations…life can be rough man.
Essentially though, this exercise in slowing down the thought process does not merely relax you, but teaches you to become, aware. This, in my humble opinion, is the most important aspect of a yoga practice.
That word; aware. Now, what does this word imply. Because technology is so great, I googled the synonyms for aware:
Aware: Synonyms: alert, alive, appreciative, attentive, awake, cognizant, conscious, enlightened, grounded, heedful, in the know, informed, knowing, mindful, perceptive, plugged in, receptive, sentient, sharp, wise
Antonyms: ignorant, insensitive, unaware, unconscious
A couple words jumped out at me, which of those I’ve put in bold above. So again, in my humble opinion, being aware goes SO beyond our yoga mat and our yoga class. The seemigly solitary nature of yoga practice, is actually the seedlings of a greater depth of understanding.
There are millions of yogis around the world. Think about the impact and change that we can create together.
Seva is a Sanskrit word meaning selfless service. Ghandi and Mother Theresa come to mind. However, there are many people and companies in the yoga community that are practicing what they preach.
American yoga teacher, Seane Corn has an organization called Off the Mat and Into the World. There site is here...truly inspirational. Jade Yoga, a yoga accessories company based in the states which plants one tree for every rubber yoga mat they sell. Their site is here, and they do a good job, at putting back what they’ve taken out. Plus, they have the best mats in the world, again, my opinion.
Unlike Atlas, we don’t have to carry the entire weight of the world on our shoulders. If this post resonates with you, yogi/yognini, start somewhere. Pick a local charity supporting a cause you are passionate about and donate your time/resources.
Mia gave me a great quote the other week when I was blasting her ear off about the contents of this post. She said something to the effect of, “It may just be a drop of water, but a multiple drops of water fills oceans”.
As for me, I too will practice what I preach. Mia and I have always been on the same page when it comes to giving back to the community. Green Lavender has done several fund-raisers and Karma classes in which we’ve donated our time and resources to local charities (check out of Free Kula Friday classes).
However, I myself would like to do more. I’m posting this publicly so that I can get called out on it if I back-track. I’m currently researching local not-for-profits that I can donate my time to. If anyone knows of a great organization which helps to feed those in need, in a healthy, sustainable way, please send the info my way. I’m also researching international organizations which raises funds for those who need clean drinking water.
After all...one drop, is still one drop.
The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others - Ghandi