Along the path of becoming and being in a position where you get to sign your own cheques you hear a lot of encouraging words such as: 'Good for you!' or 'You're so lucky, I wish I could leave my full time job and become my own boss' or 'Whats it like to wake up and want to go to work every day?'. The point here is: although these words of support are always great to hear and are very empowering, they may have a very negative impact depending on how they are I learned the hard way. I got to a point of thinking that I'm so blessed to have a business that is flourishing, and to prove that I deserved it I brought my life to a state of serious unbalance. Some mornings the thought of going to work made me want to pull my eyelashes out one by one. Serious, I know. But the second a thought like that came into my mind I started judging myself. I mean how was I suppose to live up to my standards of being a 'happy' business owner if I'm waking up in the morning not wanting to go to work? You can see how this could be an issue and a serious waste of energy. I quickly learned that even parents who love their children more than anything had moments where they just wanted to run away from it all for just a little bit. So what makes me so special? Why do I have to be excited about my business 24/7? Well the truth is I don't, its not possible. We're human, we need balance in our lives and perma excitement is just plain creepy. Not wanting to go to work some days does not mean that you made the wrong decision when choosing your path in life or that you're unhappy with what you're just simply means you'd rather sleep that day.
My lesson: let yourself be in whatever space you are in, without judgment. There is nothing wrong. If you watch your thoughts, without trying to change them its funny how fast they pass because you realize that they're just your thoughts and not the truth. Ah, one of the many great lessons to be learned from Yoga.
This quote doesn't have much to do with my post but I love it so much I had to share it:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?"
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God; your playing small doesn't serve the world.
(Marianne Williamson, quoted by Nelson Mandella in his inaugural speech)
Joanna here...great post, partner.
ReplyDeleteDid you, wait, actually just take a lesson from the mat...OFF the mat?
I did!
ReplyDeleteThanks for teaching me a very valuable lesson guruji:)
I love this post!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I think Shakespeare was right about all the world being a stage, this post also reminds me of the risks of performativity. Being true to yourself requires accepting your less fruitful and bright moments. A balance between the two like you said, is something we should all strive for.
After all..."You can never appreciate the shade of a tree unless you sweat in the sun".
This really made me laugh "We're human, we need balance in our lives and perma excitement is just plain creepy" - I know perma excitement has certainly led me to burn out at times.
Whether your job is saving lives or painting walls...we all need and deserve a break or a good rant from time to time :)
You girls are awesome!
Thanks Zee, love the quote!
ReplyDeleteThe lesson was well said... I read it over 3 times to let it soak in. Thanks. As I have just moved to Europe to teach some yoga - I sooo needed to read your lesson. Shanti :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Katie, your comment put a big smile on my face.
ReplyDeleteGood luck teaching in Europe, sounds very exciting!