Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you don't think you can keep. Walk tall, and smile more. You'll look ten years younger. Don't be afraid to say, 'I love you'. Say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world.
Friday, December 31, 2010
A resolution in the making...
Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you don't think you can keep. Walk tall, and smile more. You'll look ten years younger. Don't be afraid to say, 'I love you'. Say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Check ballot box please
But I'm not here to talk about sugary cereal perse. I'm here to talk about the sudden disappearance of aforementioned breakfast foods. Notice, how over the years they have basically vanished from the face of grocery store shelves? Well that folks, demonstrates the power of voting with your money, and an example of how individuals have power over large corporations.
We are in an age where cheap and unhealthy foods is as accessible as a mouse click away. We don't see that living beings are cruelly raised and slaughtered for our taste buds (no this is not a blog entry about being a vegetarian), and making us sick or dead in the process (listeria, mad-cow etc…)
for those of you who have yet to watch Food Inc., this is 2 hours of your precious time worth spending in front of the boob tube. It's scary, but eye-opening stuff.
Going back to the cereals of my childhood…they have almost altogether gone the way of the dinosaur because people no longer purchased them. Somehow, parents realized that no matter how fun or tasty these cereals were…they weren't too good for the kids…so they stopped buying them. Here's a hot tip, if no body buys certain product lines, guess what these big food manufacturers do…they stop making them!
I know I'm stating the obvious, but I'll still say it: retailers, food manufacturers and share holders look at what sells, what doesn't and they react to what YOU WANT. People make their living studying growth and declines in the market (I used to be one of them), and rationalize product lines so that they maximize profits and sales.
Did you notice, a few years back that EVERYONE was getting into the organics game? All of a sudden. your local grocer started carrying certified organic teas, cookies and snacks. A small, but obvious section was carved out at the butcher section for free range chicken or eggs? Head honchos realized that they could actually make money from these ethical choices, because everyone and their uncle started asking for them.
So every time we go to the grocery store, every time a barcode passes that creepy red laser…we are, in essence, voting with our purchase. When we buy GMO or pesticide laden foodstuffs, we are essentially saying…it's okay…keep producing this stuff which could or will make me sick. When we buy that toxic laundry detergent that was on sale for 1.99, that will be fed back into our water supply, we tell them it's okay to keep producing this sick stuff.
On the flip side, when we purchase free-range chicken from foul that actually saw real sun-light, we are supporting that farmer and entire production line that promotes ethical treatment of animals raised for consumption.
And if sustainable becomes the norm and expected, guess what happens?? Competition between manufacturers..which means…better/affordable prices for you and me, and eating hormone laden protein will be likened to eating asbestos…we wont stand for it.
Let us vote with our money, and as much as I love Captn' Crunch, I'll only be eating it in my fond memories of childhood.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
It's an honour to just be nominated....
Friday, November 26, 2010
Do it yourself holiday gift-organic perfume
Here is a couple of reasons why we find this to be such a great idea:
-Save $$$
-There is nothing better then giving a present that was made with love.
-Umm considering there are thousands of harmful chemicals in the department store perfumes, who wants to spritz those on...yuck
Here it is, enjoy!
1: Grate 2 tablespoons of unbleached beeswax (use an old candle stump or buy a small solid beeswax brick from the health store).
2: Melt the beeswax and 3 tablespoons of high-grade oil (either organic jojoba oil or almond oil). Placing a thick glass measuring cup in a pot filled with a few centimeters of simmering water. Melt everything in the glass vessel.
3: Remove from heat and stir in 30 drops of your favorite blend of certified organic essential oils. You can get oils here at GL, or head to your local health food store they're sure to have a good selection as well. Make sure its organic!
4: Pour into a cute second-hand containers/tins or get some small glass containers online or from a health/dollar store. Let cool.
Your loved ones will love it, we promise.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The last 365 Days
This is a great topic to embark upon, because this past weekend, was our one year anniversary. And if you met two people who were more thankful this weekend, than Mia and I…well, I simply wouldn’t believe you.
It’s been often said that 80% of all businesses fail within the first year of opening their doors. By this standard alone, Green Lavender is a success.
However, I’m happy to report that not only have we kept our doors open, but, we are, in my opinion, thriving. Imma break it down:
exibit a: I look at pictures from our opening night (which can be found on our FB page here) and we have built our humble selection of a few eco lines to more and more cool and useful items. Not only that, but we’ve really worked hard to source more and more responsible local and Canadian companies to our assortment i.e. apparel, yoga & meditation props, greeting cards and stationary. And I’ll stop there b/c now I’m just starting to sound like a brochure. In short, you folks have really seen the value and importance of buying locally and supporting responsible companies…success!
Above: Family & Friends celebrating our grand opening
Below: Geez guys, would it kill you to smile just a little bigger?
(documenting first sale ever!)
exibit b: It was such a treat to see folks who came to my very first yoga class this weekend, continuing and loving their practice. As if I needed a reminder as to why I love my job…success!
exibit c: Mia and I have not yet hurt or maimed one another. In fact, the more that we grow together as business partners, the more harmonious our points of view and ideas become. Sometimes I wish I had a camera to document our conversations when we get really heated and excited about something…I imagine we look like two male peacocks pluming against one another, one’s “caw!!” louder than the last. Our passion for responsible living and spreading the joys of yoga is every growing, and evolving.
exibit d: New friends! We’ve met so many awesome people along the way. From other yogis, neighbors, business owners and just really really cool folk we now call friends. We would have never met them, if not through GL….success!
So here’s to another year. Thank you…what more can we say.
Friday, October 1, 2010
'A bread maker....Oh you shouldn't have!'
In the past couple of years I've been to what seems like a million bridal showers, baby showers, house warming parties, kids birthdays ect ect....and the list goes on and on. In theory these events are a great way to celebrate milestones in the lives of those we love. And I understand that its a great way to ensure that the soon to be newlyweds or soon to be parents aren't completely broke by the time all is said and done. However I believe there is a difference between getting what you need out of necessity and getting enough stuff to start your own store right there in your living room. And I'm afraid most showers I went to leaned more towards the second. As I was sitting at these events my stomach would turn at the site of all the wrapping paper, packaging, ribbons and material that went into making all these products. I realize I'm one of the few who is sitting there trying not to pass out while the 67th present is being opened; and I certainly don't expect others to be the same but hear me out for just a sec.
The truth is most of these goodies will be used a couple of times and stored away somewhere never to be seen again. I understand that not everyone has big showers to only get things that they'll barely use, but the reality is that a lot of people do. Again I believe gift giving is great, and getting what will actually be used on regular basis is fantastic, but in the western world we've gone way beyond necessity to ridiculousness. If we take a moment to bring awareness into our lives, think globally and look at the big picture it becomes apparent that we create more waste then necessary, not only that but all the stuff that we buy at such low prices and high quantities have a great effect on our plant's resources and people in other parts of this world. This is sometimes referred to as the 'true cost' of production. To see what I'm talking about watch the 'Story of Stuff' video posted here.
And is it all really worth it? I think this is a great question to ask ourselves. Is all this stuff making us happier or is it enriching our lives in any way? Does the child who just celebrated their 1st birthday need 10 stuffed animals instead of just one or two? I dunno, just putting it out there. Instead of getting the child you love oh so much a closet full of clothes that they'll get to wear twice before they grow out of it, maybe the money would be better spent on something like starting a college fund.
And it doesn't stop with just showers and birthday parties, I'll be the first to admit that I'm guilty of impulsively buying things in the past that I don't really need. And for that reason I know first hand that the joy that the item brought me at the time of purchase is not a very sustainable feeling over time.
To sum all this up when we look at the three things that makes us happy in our lives, I would argue that the stuff we buy doesn't make it on the list. So the payoff for the 'true cost' of production barely seem worth it at all.
The video that I was talking about is posted below. Go on take some time to watch it, it talks about measuring a country's success not by how much it can produce but by the welfare and happiness of its people. What a concept! Using this as a measure of success Costa Rica tops all other countries...you'll find out what they're doing to come in first place. Its no wonder so many North Americans are moving there.
Friday, August 27, 2010
We Canadians, live in the proverbial land of milk and honey. Yes we have our own issues, problems and concerns. Yes we have pollution, poverty, debt and sub-par public transportation.
However, when we really put things into perspective, it’s easy to be grateful.
I (Joanna) read an article a couple weeks back in the National Geographics which lit a fire under my seat. According to this article, 46% of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water. Let me say this again…46% of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water. Let that sink in for a moment. That’s almost half of the people on this planet. My initial thought was…how could this happen? How can other people, let this happen?
As I read on, it was clear how this happened. Greed, depletion of natural resources, and all of the usual suspects. However, this post is not about these reasons (though yes, we should discuss these reasons, another time.) This post is about how the yoga community, in Toronto, in Canada, in the world, can truly “do” yoga.
An asana practice is designed to strengthen your body, calm your mind and improve your overall health. For those who practice regularly, you know what I’m talking about.
But what happens, in time is the development of a heightened sense of sensitivity and decernment.
You know when you’re in class and the teacher asks you to: go inside, be aware, slow down. All of those other things that are often times difficult for us to do because we get caught up. Caught up in our own stories, dramas and worries. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trivializing anyone’s personal situations…life can be rough man.
Essentially though, this exercise in slowing down the thought process does not merely relax you, but teaches you to become, aware. This, in my humble opinion, is the most important aspect of a yoga practice.
That word; aware. Now, what does this word imply. Because technology is so great, I googled the synonyms for aware:
Aware: Synonyms: alert, alive, appreciative, attentive, awake, cognizant, conscious, enlightened, grounded, heedful, in the know, informed, knowing, mindful, perceptive, plugged in, receptive, sentient, sharp, wise
Antonyms: ignorant, insensitive, unaware, unconscious
A couple words jumped out at me, which of those I’ve put in bold above. So again, in my humble opinion, being aware goes SO beyond our yoga mat and our yoga class. The seemigly solitary nature of yoga practice, is actually the seedlings of a greater depth of understanding.
There are millions of yogis around the world. Think about the impact and change that we can create together.
Seva is a Sanskrit word meaning selfless service. Ghandi and Mother Theresa come to mind. However, there are many people and companies in the yoga community that are practicing what they preach.
American yoga teacher, Seane Corn has an organization called Off the Mat and Into the World. There site is here...truly inspirational. Jade Yoga, a yoga accessories company based in the states which plants one tree for every rubber yoga mat they sell. Their site is here, and they do a good job, at putting back what they’ve taken out. Plus, they have the best mats in the world, again, my opinion.
Unlike Atlas, we don’t have to carry the entire weight of the world on our shoulders. If this post resonates with you, yogi/yognini, start somewhere. Pick a local charity supporting a cause you are passionate about and donate your time/resources.
Mia gave me a great quote the other week when I was blasting her ear off about the contents of this post. She said something to the effect of, “It may just be a drop of water, but a multiple drops of water fills oceans”.
As for me, I too will practice what I preach. Mia and I have always been on the same page when it comes to giving back to the community. Green Lavender has done several fund-raisers and Karma classes in which we’ve donated our time and resources to local charities (check out of Free Kula Friday classes).
However, I myself would like to do more. I’m posting this publicly so that I can get called out on it if I back-track. I’m currently researching local not-for-profits that I can donate my time to. If anyone knows of a great organization which helps to feed those in need, in a healthy, sustainable way, please send the info my way. I’m also researching international organizations which raises funds for those who need clean drinking water.
After all...one drop, is still one drop.
The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others - Ghandi
Monday, August 9, 2010
Just Be
Along the path of becoming and being in a position where you get to sign your own cheques you hear a lot of encouraging words such as: 'Good for you!' or 'You're so lucky, I wish I could leave my full time job and become my own boss' or 'Whats it like to wake up and want to go to work every day?'. The point here is: although these words of support are always great to hear and are very empowering, they may have a very negative impact depending on how they are internalized....as I learned the hard way. I got to a point of thinking that I'm so blessed to have a business that is flourishing, and to prove that I deserved it I brought my life to a state of serious unbalance. Some mornings the thought of going to work made me want to pull my eyelashes out one by one. Serious, I know. But the second a thought like that came into my mind I started judging myself. I mean how was I suppose to live up to my standards of being a 'happy' business owner if I'm waking up in the morning not wanting to go to work? You can see how this could be an issue and a serious waste of energy. I quickly learned that even parents who love their children more than anything had moments where they just wanted to run away from it all for just a little bit. So what makes me so special? Why do I have to be excited about my business 24/7? Well the truth is I don't, its not possible. We're human, we need balance in our lives and perma excitement is just plain creepy. Not wanting to go to work some days does not mean that you made the wrong decision when choosing your path in life or that you're unhappy with what you're doing.....it just simply means you'd rather sleep that day.
My lesson: let yourself be in whatever space you are in, without judgment. There is nothing wrong. If you watch your thoughts, without trying to change them its funny how fast they pass because you realize that they're just your thoughts and not the truth. Ah, one of the many great lessons to be learned from Yoga.
This quote doesn't have much to do with my post but I love it so much I had to share it:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?"
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God; your playing small doesn't serve the world.
(Marianne Williamson, quoted by Nelson Mandella in his inaugural speech)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Breathe. If you know that's good for ya.
So, last month I got hitched, and instead of a having a lavish affair here in hot, humid Toronto, we wed, Pacific shore side in hot humid Panama. It was great, and I felt so blessed to have my close friends and family there to celebrate with us.
Having the wedding of my dreams (and yes, it was) in Central America however, entailed having to get on Boeing 747, or 649, or whatever kind of plane it was, to get to my destination. A small price to pay right?
I should back-track a little…no, I am not deathly afraid of flying, nor do I pop pills to zonk out during the flight. Flying is just…so damn uncomfortable…right? It didn’t help that I was stuck in between two guys (my husband, and his friend Dan) who’s god-given shoulders cannot respect my personal space (or arm-rest). Not their fault. Since I’m the “shrimp” I apparently don’t have any rights to the aisle or the window seat. It also doesn’t help that the plane’s recycled air, constantly smelled like a soup of industrial cleaning product, airplane food and that undeniable fuselage scent.
So the flight to Panama City is about 5 and change hours from Pearson, and about 30 minutes in, I’m already sick of the plane. I’m annoyed, thrashing around, tired and just generally grossed out from being on the plane. I’m also super annoyed that JP and Dan both have their head-sets in, thoroughly enjoying the gags Just for Laughs they are playing on the little monitor in front of us. How dare you be so… so CONTENT!!?
2 hours in, I’m ready to pull out my own eye-lashes, and so I get up to do some stretches in the back of the plane. Yes, I bust out a couple yoga moves to stretch out my lower back (uttanasana) and shoulders (garudasana arms) and I instantly feel better, almost in a quantifiable way. I get back to my seat, and I’m not that annoyed anymore, and I actually take out my headphones to join JP and Dan to watch an episode of Two and Half Men and guess what…I actually laugh.
Not wanting to revert to my old miseries, I decide that to keep my sanity I needed to do some more yoga. But this time, I’d stay in my seat.
I spent the next half hour or so in my seat, eyes closed just breathing. No fancy pranayama. Just me – inhales and exhales. When I was through, I put on my sweater and read my gratuitous chick-lit book, calmly, all the way to Panama City airport.
I tell you this little anecdote to illustrate how wonderful the breath truly is. In yoga, it is THE tool, the common denominator we use to connect body, mind and hopefully spirit. One of my teachers calls the breath “the wind in our sails”. Think about that for a second…
As a yoga teacher, it’s my job to get people to not only breathe, but to breathe properly, and effectively. Yeah, that’s right, I see it in your blissed-out eyes after class, you were breathing! Every wonder why yoga feels so good? In addition to the physical benefits of asana, a yoga class encourages you to breathe fully, and completely, which most of us do not do automatically. We are a society of chronic chest breathers.
Did you know that effective breathing actually allows you to eliminate up to 70% of the toxins in your body. Why is this important you ask? Well, because that means your kidneys and adrenal glands can take it easy, and don’t have to work as hard to cleanse your body.
Very cool no?
So start breathing, folks.
Here’s a very simple breathing exercise to help you breathe fully and effectively. You can do this at home, at work, in the park…and of course, on a plane
Start by finding a comfortable sitting or lying position. Close your eyes, and simply start by observing your breath. Breathing in, and out your nostrils. Notice that you are in fact taking breaths in, and out.
Notice the difference of sensation between an inhalation and exhalation. Enjoy both.
Bring awareness to the quality of your breathing; pace, temperature, depth, effort. Try not to judge, just notice.
Then begin to notice where the inhalation goes after it enters your nostrils (where do you feel it in your body? Do you shrug your shoulders upwards when you take a breath in? Does your belly suck in when you inhale?). Do the same with the exhale, where does the breath go?
Now, to deepen your breath: As you inhale, allow your breath to travel into your belly, allowing your belly to gently swell. Keep your shoulders and upper chest quiet as you do this. As you exhale, gently pull your navel in towards your spine as if you were squeezing all of the stale air out from your lungs.
Continue breathing deeply, as you imagine sweeping every inch of your lungs (top to bottom, side to side, front to back).
Let the breath be easy and natural.
If you find this un-natural or difficult, try to stay with it. They don’t call it a yoga practice for nothing.
. (Start with a couple of minutes, building to longer increments of time. If you’ve got respiratory problems, or other health considerations, please be sure to check with your health care provider before doing any pranayama)
And yes...we did yoga on the beach. How can you not breathe, with a view like this
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
40 Day Eco Challenge
Here we go:
#1 Pick one product that you use frequently, such as laundry detergent or shampoo, and replace it with a natural/organic version. Remember to read the ingredients in order to avoid ‘green washing’. Check out the safety of different cosmetic brands: www.cosmeticsdatabase.com. Not only is this healthier for you, you will also prevent harmful chemicals going down the drain and into our waterways.
#2 Drink water ONLY from re-usable bottles. For 40 days skip plastic cups and bottled water. The easiest way to accomplish this one is to plan ahead, get a water bottle and have it with you at all times.
#3 Simplify your life by donating all the stuff that you don’t use. After you do that the 40 day challenge here is to only buy things that you will use on a regular basis. This will most definitely save you some green while reducing waste and pollution that is created by our mass consumerism.
#4 When it comes to energy consumption there is the obvious – turn off the lights. However a less obvious one is: whenever possible unplug appliances when not in use. This is especially true for phone and computer chargers, even when not in use but left plugged in they are still sucking back electricity.
#5 When buying any paper product always choose one with at least 50% post consumer content. This goes for toilet paper, paper towel, printer paper ect. By doing this you’ll be supporting the recycled products market which will send out a strong message to all manufacturers.
Have some fun with this and remember to keep us updated on your progress.
Just for some extra motivation the first 10 people that e-mail us info@greenlavender.ca and let us know that they accomplished all 5 for 40 consecutive days (we'll take your word on this one) will have their name put in a draw to win a basket full of some awesome eco products. The deadline for this contest is September 30th/2010.
Friday, July 9, 2010
A lesson on not getting stuck
What we do today at Green Lavender may not work tomorrow or it may need to be modified. As well what makes us happy today may not in the future, and what we believe to be important to us may be irrelevant a couple of years from now. Just because we chose to welcome change in our lives doesn't mean we messed up or made the wrong choice in the past, it just means we're open to constantly evolve. Its surprising how many doors open and new opportunities come up once we let go of a set of rules or definitions to live by. I'm no life expert but if you ask me that's a lot more exciting then being stagnant. Also its funny how much easier decision making becomes, all of a sudden that nagging pressure to make the 'right' decision disappears and you realize that as you evolve the things around you can be changed should the need present itself. So go on be flexible and keep creating yourself endlessly!
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. ~Charles Darwin~
And speaking of change I have to send out a BIG congrats to Joanna and JP, who got hitched yesterday in Panama. Now that's some serious change!
Monday, June 7, 2010
It is the way it is
So for years I found myself passionate about only one thing, that being the environment. It started with a frustration of the ownership us human beings believe we have over everything on this planet. I became angry to see how free we are to kill, pollute and destroy other living things for our own benefit. I soon realized that I need to use the energy that came out in a form of anger to kick my butt into action. So I needed to take a breather, step back and look at the big picture. While reading a book I discovered a quote that really stuck with me: 'Its not until we clear the pollution in our minds that we can put an end to the pollution that we've created around us'. There are various ways of finding peace in our mind, yoga and meditation being two examples. Whichever way one chooses, I believe it is very important for every person to strive for clarity of mind. In order for me to get clarity I needed to make peace with the state that the environment is in. I needed to get over my anger and disgust with the human kind to come to a point of acceptance. And by acceptance I mean the loss of resistance for the way things are. They are the way they are weather I like it or not. Hoping that they were different was only a waste of energy, energy which could be spent on more productive things. By fully accepting the situation, I've realized that we gain the power to also make a difference. So here we are, taking it one day at a time and enjoying the process the way it was meant to be.
This is a great little video called 'The Story of Stuff'. In an amazing way it exposes the true cost of all the stuff we buy and think we need. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Book Of Awesome
Yesterday my boyfriend got a book called 'The Book of Awesome'. Its a book that lists all the little awesome things that make life wonderful. I thought that was such a great idea cause I could come up with a long list myself (but I'll leave that for another time). And although I haven't read the book yet I did find the website/blog, check here. The items on the list are funny and so true, one of my faves #503 "Walking into class and seeing a substitute teacher". I still remember the overwhelming feeling of freedom every time that happened, oh to be a kid again.
So the book got me thinking, and I got inspired to share the one thing that has happened to me recently that I think is completely awesome. We've had a good number of our customers come to us and say "I really hope that you guys are doing well, my hope is that you're here for years to come". Or when new customers come in and say "I've heard great things about you from so and so, and couldn't wait to come and check you out". Just to clear the air, we're not going anywhere any time soon. The reason that comments such as these have a great impact on us is they add a very personal aspect to what we do. They show us that our relationship with our customers is very natural, organic and real. And we know we're doing something right since our customers truly care that we're here a year from now.
When I was younger I worked for a few retail chains, and for anyone that held a job in retail you know that there are specific 'selling' steps that every employer asks you to follow when interacting with a customer. You know the ones that have acronyms, and every letter stands for every step to be followed from the way you greet the customer to closing the sale. So essentially you're given a formula to go by, meaning no matter which employee a customer talks to they all have the same thing to say. Now I understand that the selling process has its own purpose in the corporate world, however I was never really good at it....and frankly I was never a top sales person for any of my employers. I now realize that the issue wasn't that I couldn't follow the 5 step program to a sale, but the issue was I wasn't able to be me. When you're able to just be yourself, you're able to relate and interact with people on a very natural level. Trying to remember the next step as you're conversing with a customer is very awkward and doesn't really help the flow of the conversation. And although customer service is important, I completely agree, caring for your customer and believing in what you are offering them has a much greater impact then the cookie-cutter approach of 'Can I help you with anything?'. Which, as I was taught, is the wrong question to ask because it gives the customer the option to say no, and then you've cornered yourself, where do you go from there????? So keep it to open ended questions only:)
This is not a crash course on selling, but how I've learned the importance of being real and being yourself....even in business. I came across a great quote the other day, which said: 'When dealing with a small business, everything is personal'. It's very true, and it includes interactions that we have with everyone that walks into this little establishment of ours.
So our dear customers thank you for adding one more awesome thing to our list.
Lots of love Joanna and Mia.
We'd like to know......what are some of the awesome things in your life?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Step into my office...baby
After I read her blog, I got to thinking about occupations in general. I've had several jobs, and two bonafide career paths, excluding the one I am now on.
Man, she loves that thing. She makes out with it, several times a day.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
How it all started....
It all started one snowy morning a few winters back. I (Mia) woke up, looked outside and found that over the night there was a massive snow storm. It was one of those mornings where you just want to go tobogganing, or go for a walk in the winter wonderland, but then you realize that its the middle of the week and you need to get dressed and go to work!!! Well the thought of digging up my car from underneath 20cm of snow and then spending an hour and a half getting to work, when the trip should only take half an hour, made me ill. So I decided to opt out for the first option, to get my snow gear on and go enjoy the great outdoors. But then the guilt kicked in and so I called Joanna to see what she was going to do. Had she decided not to go in, it would have been fully justifiable for me not to go either. So I made the call to find out that Joanna was just getting ready to leave for work. Well much to my disappointment snow or no snow, she wasn't giving up on making the drive to the office. So after a couple of minutes of pondering my options I decided to stick to my guns about not driving, so I met Joanna at the subway station closest to her house and we went to work together, in her car:)
I still remember that ride which took close to two hours, although it didn't feel nearly as long. We sat in her car and talked about what it is that we really wanted to be doing in life. We had stable and challenging jobs. Jobs that would lead to lots of opportunities and growth down the road. But we dared to be one of those dreamers that believed that every morning you should wake up wanting to go to work......what a concept! So back to our drive, we were surrounded by a bunch of pissed off motorists, cutting each other off, impatiently trying to get to their final destination, but we were so immersed in our conversation that the chaos outside wasn't really effecting us at all. At one moment I turned around to her and said 'You know.....we should open up a business together, wanna do it?'. And after I blurted those words out in an almost knee jerk reaction sort of way, I realized that I just said it like it was no big deal, like I was asking her if she wanted milk or cream in her coffee. In an almost confused state I waited for her response. Very quickly with much enthusiasm she responded, 'What a great idea! Lets do it!'. Just like that I got my answer as if she was answering my milk vs cream question. At that moment life as we knew it was about to completely change, Green Lavender was born!
If you think I'm making this sound like an experience you would have when you realize you're going to have a baby.....well you're not far off, it kind of is like that. Whereas a child takes 9 months to come, Green Lavender took about 18. Minor differences aside, just like with a child, when one decides to open up their own business they need to be prepared to invest a large part of their life to that endeavor. So you better pick something you're passionate about, cause otherwise its going to feel like a drag really quickly.
What I'm really trying to get at is this: sometimes the best decisions in life are the ones that take mere seconds to arrive at. The ones where you throw all caution to the wind, plug your nose and just dive in without a single thought of reason. So, our dear readers, ask yourself what you're willing to give up in order to live a life of reason and comfort.
What I learned: Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Guy. Don't be so cheap.
So, being on the Category Management team of a big retailer like Sobeys means that you get lots of samples of potential new items to carry as well as any new product launches. You normally get several samples to try...and it's pretty much yours, or you give it to a co-worker (someone you need to grease).
Perhaps, this is where I've been conditioned to think that providing samples of your product or service is a necessary evil read: expense, when trying to get someone's business.
Imma break it down...Mia came back from the Green Living show this year with a sour taste in her mouth. After she told me the story, I too needed a palate cleanse. Essentially, she found a pretty cool eco product, that we could potentially carry in our store. But with everything we stock in Green Lavender, we have to make sure that it works. Mia tells the lady at the booth that she owns an eco store in the Junction yadda yadda, we're interested in your product, it's seems cool, but does it work? So, blame it on our past training (as per above) Mia asks, do you have a small sample size, so that I can try it out? The lady's response, "Yeah...NO".
To make a long story short, we're going to hold off on carrying that product for now. The moral of the story: if you're a new brand trying to break into the market, and you're trying to get into retail locations...you might want to prepare a couple sample baggies.
This is why they have entire WALLS dedicated to colour swatches and paint chip samples at Rona. Also, think about Costco - why do you think they position a hair-net donning lady pushing bite-sized samples of whatever, at the end of every aisle?
Because FREE SAMPLING WORKS, and it's genius!
In her defence, she may gotten burned in the past by random jabronis trying to get free product from her, with no pay-off (kay, yes, on occasion, I've fed myself a dinner of free samples at Costco, and walked out, belly full, empty handed, no purchase made. Whatever, you've done it too.) . However, it would have cost her pennies to give Mia a sample, which could have potentially landed her brand on the shelf of our very awesome store...and into the hands and homes of you fantastic folks.
This also applies to you, fresh out of training yoga teachers. When I first started teaching, I hit the pavement HARD looking for studios and private clients to hire me....which meant doing sample classes, or sub classes sans pay. Studio owners, in turn will see your willingness and drive to really be part of their team and hire you. And even if they don't hire you, that's still another class taught and another notch under your belt...right?
Not to play out the point, but here's another example: I'm getting married in July, and though I generally hate taking pictures of myself, I've decided that I wouldn't be such a killjoy and get engagement photos done.
Cue, Neil. Neil, is a member at our studio, and the photographer I've hired to take said photos. He is super talented and has recently taken the plunge to take the photography thing to a professional level (he's booking wedding photos for summer by the by if you're looking for a photog). How did I come to know that Neil is a photograher? If you look on our website, he supplied the photos for these, and this. Nice right? If memory serves me right, he was still breaking into the biz at that time, building his portfolio, so he did these either free of charge, or at a minimal cost/barter.
So fast-forward to now...he's hired, he's my photogapher...and he's getting payed.
What I learned: Sample baggies folks...sample baggies.
Here's our sample baggie: Mention that you read this blog, and your first yoga class is on us! (Sorry, first timers only!)
Its the little things in life....pay it forward
to find a cute little blurb about our shop on Daily Vitamin. Usually we know when someone is here to write about us, but neither of us knew about this. Hence the analogy about the unexpected surprises. Its small and simple but it made our day. So in the spirit of paying it forward I would like to let everyone know about a small business coach who's insight we go back to time and again. His name is Andrew Patricio from Biz Launch . He has a real passion for helping out entrepreneurs, and this passion shines through from the moment you meet him. So for anyone thinking of opening up a business, or in the early stages of one, definitely go to one of Andrew's seminars (bonus they are FREE). His knowledge and honesty are like a breath of fresh air in what could be a very confusing time for small start-up owners. What I learned: If you receive an act of kindness don't hold on to it, pass it on-thats where the true happiness is. “Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.” Goethe |
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Riddle me this...(musings on why questions are good)
This is when I discovered that Mia is very very good at one thing (among other things), and that is, she's not afraid to ask a bajillion questions.
Settling on a lease is not something to be rushed or to be taken lightly. It's serious business, and you have to research the heck out of the place and ask lots and lots and lots of questions. Right now, we're not talking about reading the fine print on a lease agreement (that's for later). We're talking about, making the intelligent decision on WHERE to settle your establishment.
We looked at a dozen or more places in different neighborhoods in Toronto before settling on good ol 2842. I, normally impulsive by nature, pretty much fell in love with all the places we looked at. Whereas Mia, insisted we roam the streets and ask around...
We talked to other business owners, miscellaneous people on the street, and got their candid opinions and feedback. Did they think our business would work in this neighborhood? What do you think of our services? How is their business going on this stretch of the street? Would you buy our product if we were here? Some of the feedback we got was very candid indeed. In fact, some of it was priceless, as we could have, in retrospect totally ended up in no man's land and a failed business.
Now remember, opinions, like french fries, should be taken with a grain of salt, and of course, just because someone has an opinion doesn't mean it's right. But when a fellow shop-keep tells you, "This street has no foot traffic", and opon further observation you notice, uhm...yeah, no one is walking by this street front, you should take heed.
What's that you say? You can get all that demographic information through Statistics Canada?? Well yeah...sure you can, and all of that is also useful information. But there's nothing like reaching out to people, read: potential or non-potential customers on a street level. So, get out there. Talk to people, ask them questions. Get feedback and ideas along the way. Why not take an impromptu street survey - you'll be surprised at how willing and open most people are help you out.
Also, check to see if the area you are looking for has a local B.I.A. (Business Improvement Areas) . The B.I.A. offices can provide you with a wealth of information about upcoming developments and initiatives in their business area, as well as info on the neighborhood itself.
What I learned: "Sometimes questions are more important than answers" - Nancy Willard (American poet and writer).
For some reason, talking about Mia and the B.I.A. made me think about this song...enjoy!
Wear comfy shoes when you walk down memory lane...
Well guess what...that person is awesome. You know why? These cake-baking, email forwarding co-workers turn the pallid, mundane, white noise, chicken coop world of cubicles FUN! You may not appreciate them now, but you will.
Due to the wonder of Facebook, I came across a couple of old pictures of us during the pre-Green Lavender days. Look at us: So professional. So grown up. So respected in our chosen field of work. So dignified.
Mia and I met at Sobeys Head Office, where we worked together for a few years. It was not exactly our dream job, hence why the inception of GL. True say, we are beyond pumped to be owning our own business...but working in that office was, in retrospect, pretty fun sometimes...especially when said co-workers (see first paragraph) took the time to deck out your cubicle on your birthday and made you feel extra special (embarrassed by proxy), making an otherwise spiteful (why I gotta work on my b-day???!!) uneventful paper-pushing day extraordinary.
So, today...on our inaugural post, our very first...
What I learned: Honour and cherish the people around you, no matter how big or small the contribution in your life. Be thankful for those who make you laugh, smile, cry, support, challenge and motivate you. (Special thanks to Maria and Ken who did a good job souping up our cubicles)