Monday, June 7, 2010

It is the way it is

Time and time again I think why out of a thousand things a person can be passionate about mine always comes back to the environment. Its almost an innate force that drove Joanna and I to open up the store that we did. I tried to go down different paths, I finished business school wanting to be a big shot director or VP of some kind, but something wasn't letting me go down that road. Every day become an uphill battle. I met a really amazing lady today and she said "when you're doing what you're suppose to be doing, things become easier". Its so simple, but lets be many of us actually live life according to this? Instead we've become masters at ignoring the truth and settling in order to avoid change.

So for years I found myself passionate about only one thing, that being the environment. It started with a frustration of the ownership us human beings believe we have over everything on this planet. I became angry to see how free we are to kill, pollute and destroy other living things for our own benefit. I soon realized that I need to use the energy that came out in a form of anger to kick my butt into action. So I needed to take a breather, step back and look at the big picture. While reading a book I discovered a quote that really stuck with me: 'Its not until we clear the pollution in our minds that we can put an end to the pollution that we've created around us'. There are various ways of finding peace in our mind, yoga and meditation being two examples. Whichever way one chooses, I believe it is very important for every person to strive for clarity of mind. In order for me to get clarity I needed to make peace with the state that the environment is in. I needed to get over my anger and disgust with the human kind to come to a point of acceptance. And by acceptance I mean the loss of resistance for the way things are. They are the way they are weather I like it or not. Hoping that they were different was only a waste of energy, energy which could be spent on more productive things. By fully accepting the situation, I've realized that we gain the power to also make a difference. So here we are, taking it one day at a time and enjoying the process the way it was meant to be.

This is a great little video called 'The Story of Stuff'. In an amazing way it exposes the true cost of all the stuff we buy and think we need. Enjoy!